View Full Version : Better weekend for my boat......

Red Childress
06-20-2016, 06:08 AM
as we moved 5 fish, hooked 2 and landed a 40-ish inch fish on a Medussa. Largest fish we saw was a kamikaze mid-40 incher that came out of the water at boatside, nipped my tail and was gone.

4 days of school left!

06-21-2016, 08:36 AM
Glad to hear that things are picking up for you Red. I finally got a trip in 2 weekends ago. Tough fishing with post frontal brutal winds but was fortunate enough to put 3 in the net on flies. Lost a beast that hit on the figure-8. I did everything I could, just tough to get a good hook set at the boat with fly rods. Luckily, I landed one about 20 minutes later that also hit on the 8, so that helped relieve some of the pain. LOL

Red Childress
06-21-2016, 11:27 AM
Care to give me an approximation on the boatside stud? Just curious so I can finish imagining your story with the right size fish..........:)

06-22-2016, 08:36 AM
LOL You betcha. Wasn't the longest fish, I'm guessing mid-40s or so. The thing was just so damn wide from the head on back. Because of the glare, the first thing I saw was the outline of the mouth and it took my mind some time to realize exactly what I was even seeing. LOL I sped up the fly into the 8 and she crushed it on the first turn. Two sets of headshakes on the surface later, my fly was zipping right back at me. Defintely a fish that will haunt me for a while.