View Full Version : We pounded the water over the weekend

Red Childress
05-16-2016, 06:20 AM
and chased walleye, bass and pike on Saturday while boating a mixed bag of about a dozen fish while losing a huge walleye at the boat......and I mean huge. On Sunday, we chased muskies and saw zippo but we did seize the opportunity to fish through the worst hail and sleet storms I have ever experienced. Simply crazy weather anytime but for it to happen in mid-May was the amazing part.

Water temps were dropping (again) over the weekend making things tough for sure.

05-17-2016, 06:01 AM
Red, Remember George Clooney's famous last words... " I always find the fish"

Good luck to you sir.

Red Childress
05-17-2016, 06:08 AM

I think we had a few around our boat most of the day but just could not get them to eat.

Red Childress
05-23-2016, 05:59 AM
Fished Friday evening and Sunday as I had a last second cancellation due to the threat of soaking rain for Saturday. Both days were tough for us so we switched our program drastically and I did manage to hook a giant pike in the mid 40-inch class but lost it at the boat yesterday. It was probably my longest pike ever but not the heaviest. I kinda wish I would have taken it more seriously and actually tried to get her in the boat ASAP but when the 3 other guys with you have not smelled a follow all day, I tend to downplay anything I am lucky enough to catch. I just did not want to shut the boat down for 20 minutes unhooking and photographing the only fish caught at the very end of a tough day so I "helped" her into 1 boatside jump, then a roll and the hook came out. She was barely hooked.

05-23-2016, 06:26 AM
Keep up the Captain. The weather is going to warm up this week, maybe those follows will turn to eaters.