View Full Version : vexer color

05-10-2016, 10:23 AM

quick question for you. What is your most productive vexer color on stained water?



lil man tait
05-12-2016, 11:11 AM
I have used vexers quite a bit. I have had the most success with natural colors like walleye and sucker on most waters(stained and clear). I have also heard of someone catching a bunch on the bluegill show color. I think it depends more on time of year and weather. Fall and spring more natural colors. Summer you can experiment with orange/dark on overcast days and bright/chartreuse on clear.

I like the "sound" more than anything. Listen to the underwater youtube video on drifter website.

hope this helps
lil man tait
tait sennett

Ty Sennett
05-23-2016, 08:22 PM
Well said little brother. I catch fish on most every color but natural in cold water and bright in warm water seems best. Every lake is different though. It seems some lakes have a certain hot color so to say.