View Full Version : November 11th fishing report

Ty Sennett
11-12-2015, 09:13 AM
I had John and Andrew out yesterday. The morning was flat calm and sunny. Absolutely beautiful weather. Andrew caught a 41 incher on a Bulldawg at about nine in the morning. We didn't see anything for the rest of the morning. At around two in the afternoon a storm rolled in bringing lighting, rain, hail, and a little breeze. John caught a 45 1/2 inch fish right away. Probably the best fighting fish for the whole year. That thing didn't want to give up. About fifteen minutes later another fish picked up a sucker but Andrew missed it on the hook set. Must have had it by the tail or something. That little storm rolled through and then our little feeding window was over. Pretty good day though both weather wise and catching fish. By the way, the lightning wasn't close to us. I like catching fish but not enough to put my clients at risk.
Water temps were 47 degrees yesterday. We had a hell of a time launching the boat.

11-14-2015, 10:13 AM
What is the most usable landing on the eastside at this point? Was going to bring an old 70's 16ft Lund next week thinking it would be easier to get in and out, but not sure it will work much better...would be nice if they could drop an extra concrete slab in at some landings now that it's drained down, if they're going to continue draining it so much so early.

Ty Sennett
11-18-2015, 12:21 PM
I couldn't agree more. This puts a damper on the late fall crappie and walleye guys let alone the muskie groups. The lake actually came up from all the rain lately. Deerfoot is the best on the east side and CC South is the best on the west side. watch out for the big rocks at the end though.