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View Full Version : Wow how time flies!! 09/26/2015

Mike Allen
09-26-2015, 06:50 PM
I cant believe how long it has been since I posted a report. Well here it is. The guides are catching fish, but it is tough. Most days 7 to 11 kprs is an all day event. Once in a while we have a really good day. All days it is taking from sunrise to 3:00 or later if you have to catch more than 8. They are dandy fish if you can get them to bite. Most of the boats coming out here fishing on there own are not doing well. A little colder weather as it comes into fall will help this. Fish have been caught from Carpenter Bluffs to the dam and scattered on Sharpe.

In the last 2 weeks I personally have had days of 4 keepers and 16 keepers. So it is hard to say from day to day. Just fish hard keep the boat on the water and by the end of the day usually (not always) good things will happen. As you will notice on our facebook pics we are catching fish.

In the next few days I will post a day to day from mid August to now.

One thing about us we will give you the real fishing report if you call 1-800-435-5591. Not going to tell you stories of how we have filled every group, when all of us know it is fishing. When guiding starts in March and ends in November, you are going to have a bad day here and there. One thing I can tell you is that there will be no lack of effort by any one of our guides. We give it our all, and if we cannot get your limit, no one will feel worse about it than us.

Until next time.
Mike Allen