View Full Version : Pacemakers On The Flowage

09-17-2015, 11:52 AM
Hey Ty,

I just picked up a Minnesota Perch Pacemaker, my first Pacemaker purchase. Have you had luck with all the different Pacemaker colors on the Flowage? Historically, I have had decent luck with black and green bucktails. What color has been hot lately on The Flowage? Any tips for fishing Pacemakers - depth, over weeds/sand bars/rocks, windy conditions, cloud cover, pressure, etc.? Thanks so much. Excited to try it out!!!!


Ty Sennett
09-19-2015, 06:26 AM
The Minnesota perch color is probably the last color I would use on the chip. If you have any black spray paint just paint over the one you bought. Usually all black or black /green belly are the best with any orange or orange /black combination being second choice. As far as where and when, right now we throw them all day long over all types of structure. The rest of the year it's only during low light times and shallow structure.