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View Full Version : Danger Lurking

09-09-2015, 09:32 AM
I know people often talk about the various dangers (i.e. stumps, floating logs and gravel bars) on the Flowage, but last weekend I found a whopper. As I was fishing in an area East of the dam, I noticed something that appeared to be splashing in about 8' of water near the edge of a river channel. At first I thought it was a musky or a sturgeon, but as more time passed I realized that it could not be a fish. I trimmed my motor completely out of the water and slowly trolled over to it. The splashing I saw was water breaking over an absolutely huge boulder. To put it in perspective, It was sitting in at least 8 feet of water, and was 1/2" under the surface. The scary part, is I know I have motored over it before. More and more stumps are slowly showing themselves, and many more are just under the surface. As a general rule, I usually use the river channels to navigate, so I'm apologizing in advance if I have to motor past you when you're fishing in the channel. Even that method is not foolproof, as I've marked many stumps over the years just at the surface in 15-17 FOW. Please use caution & Good fishing!

09-10-2015, 08:45 AM
I know people often talk about the various dangers (i.e. stumps, floating logs and gravel bars) on the Flowage, but last weekend I found a whopper. As I was fishing in an area East of the dam, I noticed something that appeared to be splashing in about 8' of water near the edge of a river channel. At first I thought it was a musky or a sturgeon, but as more time passed I realized that it could not be a fish. I trimmed my motor completely out of the water and slowly trolled over to it. The splashing I saw was water breaking over an absolutely huge boulder. To put it in perspective, It was sitting in at least 8 feet of water, and was 1/2" under the surface. The scary part, is I know I have motored over it before. More and more stumps are slowly showing themselves, and many more are just under the surface. As a general rule, I usually use the river channels to navigate, so I'm apologizing in advance if I have to motor past you when you're fishing in the channel. Even that method is not foolproof, as I've marked many stumps over the years just at the surface in 15-17 FOW. Please use caution & Good fishing!

Recently spent 4 days fishing the Flowage, caught enough walleyes, crappie and bluegills for a couple of dinners, boy those fish taste good. Be careful when going under the powerlines by Donners Bay, went through there about 20mph and just past the lines and a little east of the center of the lines and wham, hit a huge rock I think, damaged the skeg and took out a prop, lucky not to lose the lower unit I think, so please use caution in that area. Good and safe fishing to all.

09-10-2015, 10:15 AM
Echoing what the others said, I was up labor day weekend and saw a lot of the same. Some stumps that were just barely visible with the water down as far as it is, just off the main channel in 14-18 FOW. The ride from Bastine to Pink Rock especially stood out.

Also saw a boat just crush a rock or very large stump at full speed just out from Sportsman's landing. Near where the couple large stumps are between sportsman's and the dam, just north of the island you see when you pull out of Sportsman's. Two boats went through the same pass very fast about 10 minutes after I saw the pontoon hit that rock, too. Luckily, they didn't hit what the pontoon hit.

09-14-2015, 10:18 AM
If I am not mistaken under the power lines maybe the one of old tower's girders and not rocks / stumps ( which maybe their too ) . Also, I know from the Dam to Lake Nine a,d ten are some very big Boulders , etc. that appear when the Flowage is low . Didn't someone once call them Elephant Backs ?