View Full Version : Fishing Report for last two days

06-03-2015, 10:59 AM
Hi everyone,

Guided Nick and Tony out of Treelands Resort on Monday and Dave, Jim, and Roger who were staying at the Chip wa Motel at the boat landing on Tuesday. Both days saw the mornings start out on the cool side with bright clear Blue skies. We had a constant S.E. wind on both days making for a good walleye chop. Monday we caught a bunch of walleyes with no keepers but caught some crappie and bluegills for the pan.

On Tuesday we caught less walleyes but four keepers with the biggest a 19 3/4". Any bigger and it would've been a releaser. Had some crappies, perch and a bluegill to add fillets to the pile. Caught most fish on my new inline jig the "PROaggressive." The inline design and bullet shaped head allowed us to work the deep wood without losing a lot of jigs. lost a few but were able to scrounge through the wood to catch the walleyes. Jigs were tipped with leeches as the minnows weren't producing for us. Water temps are up to 65 degrees now and hopefully will keep steadily rising.

My June is booked up and July has just a couple days open but August has quit a few days yet. Plan ahead and book now for your walleye hunting trip. Good luck fishing everyone.
