View Full Version : Spring Break Fishing

Red Childress
04-05-2015, 06:21 AM
We managed to net a few muskies this past week along with some pike but fishing was tougher than normal for this time of year. We changed tactics several times but when the fish shut down in 37 degree water, it can be brutal. We have lacked the warm rain showers this year so colder than normal temps are the result. Normal Spring weather on the horizon!

04-08-2015, 11:46 AM
March has been my best month the last 2 years straight (2013, 2014)
I didn't even have a follow this year in 3 March trips. Like you said, temps were definitely lower this year. Now it's April 8th and it's 54 degrees. Spring lasted about a week down here :confused:

Red Childress
04-09-2015, 06:19 AM
During the tail end of March, we hooked/caught/lost 8 muskies in 1 day when there were still patches of ice on the river. The next day we landed 2 and moved 1-2 more. The following week we were only seeing 1 maybe 2 muskies per day and only catching 1 of them. Last weekend we hooked and lost 1 and saw no others in 2 days of fishing. As the water slowly warmed up, the action became less and less.

I am still puzzled about those results. I guess I need to up my game and figure some things out!