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View Full Version : Lakers were Hungry!

Glory Days
04-02-2015, 09:32 AM
We started from SS at about 6:30 yesterday morning. Perfect Wind, Water and Weather conditions!

With two guys it didn't take long to get 6 rods going. And, with no early action, we weren't interrupted either!

We trolled passed the South Gap---- no action. We continued outside the wall and passed the Main Gap------------Still no action.

As we turned to cross the Main once more (going South), a dipsy with a moonshine Leopard (std) tripped off. It was about an 8# laker. Finally, some action.

We made another loop across the Main and got our first "Double" of the season. On a 4 color with an orange Pro King (std) we picked up a 13# Laker, and on our other dipsy with a moonshine Atomic Melon (std), we got an 11# Laker. That double got a little hectic at times. But, that's what one dreams about all winter long!

One more pass and we had our limit of Lakers. It was about a 5#'er caught on that orange Pro King. My cooler was starting to get heavy.

With our limit of Lakers in the box, we decided to go looking for Browns. We trolled once again passed the South Gap with no action. On our way toward the Green Can area, we picked up another Laker on the Atomic Melon. It was about 6#'s. Nice fish (red fin)but we couldn't keep it. We'll get it next time!

We finished the day 5 for 5. We never saw a brown or any other species. There were a number of boats out also, but we never saw another net hit the water.

Despite those two "negatives", it was an outstanding morning.

Good Fishing!


aka "Glory Days"