View Full Version : Launch update

The Bait Shop Guy
11-22-2014, 06:32 PM
Sorry guys, but due to changes on this site, I will no longer be posting fishing reports and info on Baysdenoc.com.

You can still follow my reports at upangler.com , lake-link.com , michigan-sportsman.com , 906outdoors.com , and Bay View Bait and Tackle's facebook page.

See you on the water.

The Bait Shop Guy
11-26-2014, 03:36 PM
Dock has been pulled from the Gladstone harbor. Harbor is frozen, and there is ice running at least 1/2 mile south of Gladstone. Entire upper bay is iced over.

Dock is still in at the Escanaba harbor. Entire harbor is iced in, but someone had broke through the ice to open water in the last couple days. Still, with forecast lows in the single digits the next couple nights, I'm going to guess the 2014 boating season is pretty much over with.