View Full Version : 10/26

Jerry Tipping
10-26-2014, 01:55 PM
Karl from Neillsville, Wisconsin booked a morning trip himself and his sister Karlette from Madison. Neither of them have ever been out on "Pete" before and they wanted to check it out. They both do a lot of fishing, but mostly rivers and smaller lakes. Karlette is a member of the Yahara Fishing Club in Madison www.yaharafishingclub.org and goes to a lot of their outings around the stste. It was a beautiful morning with little wind to contend with at all. We verticle jigged and used dead rods tipped with minnows and crawler chunks in the submerged timber near the dike. We had over two dozen "shorties", 1 in the slot, 1 white bass, and 2 big cat. ;)
Photo in the album.
The long range forcast through the third week of November is for temps to stay steady in the forties to low fifties for daytime highs. No daytime temps of 30 degrees until the week of Thanksgiving. Pleanty of good fishing to come.

Keep a tight line!!!

Jerry :)