View Full Version : A Story from Sunday......

Red Childress
10-20-2014, 05:29 PM
I will try to make this as short as possible......

We were fishing and catching bass when I felt a hit on my jig and (you guessed it) a big musky was on the other end and the fight began. (Keep in mind that I am thinking this musky is hooked in the mouth.) I got her to the boat pretty quickly because I was reeling so fast in the beginning (thinking it was a bass 17ft. beneath me) that I was able to get some good leverage on her. When I got her close, We all managed to get a good look at her and we knew she was in the 50+ bracket.

After we saw her briefly, we fought for another 5 minutes or so and just as my client was ready to scoop her up, she spit my shredded bass (the same bass that I did NOT know she had in her mouth.) out. As soon as she spit it, I did a whipping motion and quickly hit the water with it and (yep, you guessed it) the musky instantly came up and took it again.

During the next 5 minute battle, I kept feeling her quickly chomping and turning my bass in her mouth in preparation to swallow it head first. We even saw a few scales suspended in the water column. I knew I needed to horse her up before she got to my 20# fluoro leader. Just before I began to put the muscle to her, my leader was sliced and it was over.

You gotta love these crazy fish!