View Full Version : 9/30

Jerry Tipping
09-30-2014, 09:33 PM
Dick from Oak Creek booked his annual fall trip for this morning on "Pete". We were wondering on the way to the ramp how this day would come out with a big cold front setting in. Stiff winds out of the east, cloudy and overcast with early morning temps in the 40 degree range. We worked the channel edges south of the park with jigs and dead-rods tipped with fatheads. We were both pleasently surprised when before we had the jig rods in the water, both dead-rods dipped and we each brought in a walleye, with mine being a "shortie" and Dick's was a "keeper". For the next four hours the bite was pretty consistant with a few slow spots, and we end the day with 4 "keepers", 24 "shorties", 1 crappie, 1 white bass, and 1 sheephead. We also lost numerous fish before we got them to the net. The typical fall bite may just be starting to begin. Pick a day and get in on some great fall action. :D
Photo in the album.

Keep a tight line!!!

Jerry :)