View Full Version : New PB on the Figure 8 - St. Clair Supermoon Trip

09-12-2014, 12:31 PM
I headed to LSC recently with a friend of mine to try 3 days for a trophy. Even though our guides said the numbers were down from previous years, I thought the fishing was fantastic. We ended up 15 for 31 with too many follows to keep track of. I ended up tying my personal best on day 2 and shattering it on day 3. I knocked out a few firsts on this trip, including:

First 3 fish day
First 4 fish day
First Figure 8 fish
First 50+

Here is the wrap-up video of our 3 days. As usual, I masked the profanity with music :D
I hope you enjoy it...
Crank the quality up to 720 for the best viewing.


Red Childress
09-12-2014, 01:16 PM
Well Mike, what else is there to say but you finally did it. Of all the musky guys I know, you have absolutely worked your tail off for that 50+ and deserve every bit of praise. I am so damn happy for you!

Congrats man!

09-12-2014, 01:45 PM
Thanks Red! I'm not the kind of guy that gets excited about much but when that fish hit the net I lost it. As soon as she swam away, I just sunk into the chair, put my feet up for the last hour and thought about the previous 5 years of pounding the water and even smiled thinking about a few of my missed opportunities :)

09-15-2014, 07:39 AM
Great video. Congrats on the big one. Hookset to net in 3 headshakes (good thing huh)

09-15-2014, 12:03 PM
Great video. Congrats on the big one. Hookset to net in 3 headshakes (good thing huh)

YES! Just barely hooked.

HD Fatboy
09-17-2014, 05:39 AM
Congrats lowbidder!

fish N ski
09-22-2014, 02:05 AM
that looked fun... Dummy me, I spent the supermoon at kinzua. I got a few snags that sounded that big. Good job. Nice video!!!!!

09-22-2014, 10:31 AM
Haha...but one of these decades that's going to pay off for you Matt. All the dead time of the Bay or the Larry, but right in your back yard in PA. When was the supermoon?

Red Childress
09-23-2014, 06:51 AM
Some moon information that is pretty interesting:

Supermoons are lunar phenomena where the moon reaches a point in its orbit where it is closest to the Earth. At this point, the moon will appear to be bigger and brighter.

The Sept. 9 supermoon will be the last to complete the trio of supermoons that began in July. The biggest and brightest of the trio was the one that occurred Aug. 10.

Essentially, supermoons can be viewed anywhere in the world with varying degrees of size and brightness. During the Aug. 10 supermoon, the phenomenon was best viewed in northern Scotland. For the supermoon on Tuesday, there are still no predictions on where to best view the supermooon.

Afterwards, regular full moons will come back scheduled on Oct. 8, Nov. 6, and Dec. 6. The full moon on Oct. 8 will be a special kind of full moon where it will radiate with a reddish tint, giving it the title of "blood moon."

For next year, six supermoons will be occurring on Jan. 20, Feb. 18, Mar. 20, Aug. 29, Sept. 28, and Oct. 27. The largest supermoon for 2015 will be occurring in September.

fish N ski
09-23-2014, 08:02 PM
the November 6 Moon is what archery hunters refer to as "the Rutting Moon". At least I know that moon. Thanks for the moon explanations red.