View Full Version : 8th Wonder of the World.......

Frank Walsh
06-20-2014, 10:32 AM
Move over Erie Canal. Take a hike Suez and Panama Canals. Hoover Dam? Nothing to it. Converting the barge from a floating dock...................PRICELESS!!!!!!!

Not really. There was a price......


Tim Kelly
06-20-2014, 10:53 AM
Wow! Major engineering!. How do you bang those big posts into that Canadian Shield? Do you have to drill first?

06-20-2014, 04:58 PM
Mud Tim,mud.I spent a few hours mesmerized by the project.Done in one day!!!Long day but......amazing.Lots of the fabricating done before but the welding,banging etc in one day by 3 guys and a lady.

06-20-2014, 06:49 PM
I should add the question of the day after looking at the You Tube vids 4,5 and 6.
When and under what circumstances does Frankie smoke a cigar?

Tim Kelly
06-21-2014, 12:57 AM
I hope he'll be puffing away today when his first 50 of the season hits the net. :)

Muskie Junkie
06-21-2014, 07:23 AM
Looks like you attacked a problem and resolved it. Watching the other video on Youtube cleared up how they drove those pipes in. Can not wait to see it in a few weeks.

Frank Walsh
05-10-2015, 10:15 AM
Don't know why I pissed away all that money on hiring the barge and backhoe to drive the pilings. All I had to do is wait for the Flatlanders to get here. Music supplied courtesy of Jack Pertz:


Now, let's analyze the Engineering here:

6 men x 180 lbs = 1080 lbs static force.
Jumping up and down will create a 3 times dynamic effect = 3240 lbs/jump = 1.6 ton thumps if the pile is tapered to 2 in x 2 in, cross section at the tip = 4 sq. in. So, dynamic pressure/thump at pile tip = 3240/4 = 800 psi.

"Add a man" (Jeff Blanck)feature will increase to 950 psi, so buy the option!
Increase the chant and dynamic force goes up to 5 times to bring max. pressure thump to 1600 psi for a 7 man team. Quite good, and will penetrate hard clay and sandy soil (but not hard or rocky ground!) Pretty ingenious. Oh, the foreman ( Jack Pertz)is the guy on the tambourine.

Muskie Junkie
05-12-2015, 08:13 AM
Wow, based on your calculations and the rhythm of the music I think we could have done it. Man you wasted a ton of money !!!

Frank Walsh
05-12-2015, 09:13 AM
Agree. Does not even take into account the hysteresis value of the mud and hardpan the pipes are being driven into.

I'll bet Ruhmann knew this was coming.......................