View Full Version : Since no one else seems to talk about catching fish.....

06-19-2014, 10:11 PM
Thought this was a nice picture from my latest trip. Not a real big one (35 inches)22153, but love the coloration.

Red Childress
06-20-2014, 06:47 AM
Cool looking fish! Fly rod?

Been busy as heck lately but soon that will change. School is over next week here in NY.

06-20-2014, 08:28 AM
I had been chucking streamers but had my fly-rod broke on a cast....no idea why. That fish was caught next cast with a spinning rod that I happen to have sitting close in the boat from a previous trip! I could not believe it. I have to send the rod to my dad for repairs and now am seriously considering building a new one. I need a project to kill time with all the storms and such making fishing a challenge. I'm glad my school ended June 6th. I was ready to go crazy.....

Red Childress
06-24-2014, 06:28 AM
We caught muskies and pike while bass/walleye fishing and caught no muskies while musky fishing this past weekend. Makes sense to me. :) It appears downsizing was the ticket for the Esox.

06-24-2014, 09:16 AM
That actually has been the pattern for me and I'm fishing a lake. I've have fish look at bigger stuff but they are actually hitting smaller baits. Wonder if the river will ever settle down this year??

Red Childress
06-25-2014, 06:50 AM
The river hasn't been too bad around here lately. I bet the lower river has been tough this Spring for sure. Some color below Warren but nothing too bad. April and May was the highest I had seen it run for consecutive days in a row in 20 years. It was challenging and fun putting together a pattern for 'flood stage' fishing.

06-25-2014, 10:46 PM
Looks like the flood stage water will continue.....the USGS page has black dots all over it for the NW corner of PA. Oil Creek is only a few feet from flood stage. Probably be lower water out of the dam for a few days then all heck will break loose once things calm down downstream. Might see 10,000 cfs in July!!