View Full Version : June 11th fishing report

Ty Sennett
06-12-2014, 07:42 AM
I had Ken and Dick Stevens out yesterday and we fished for walleyes in the morning. We caught around thirty to forty walleye up to I'd guess 24 inches. The walleye were anywhere from 12 inches on up. Good to see a wide variety of size ranges. Ken put on a fine pike display while Dick and I kept walleye fishing. We muskie fished in the afternoon for abut three hours but nothing moving then.

In the evening I took out coach Green and his son for muskies. His son Zach had one hit a Pacemaker and two follow the same bait. We didn't get any but had some cool follows and probably should have got the one but the hookset was a hair early. OK, a few hairs but who's counting?

Good luck,