View Full Version : Trev Gowdy's Monster Fish Episode

06-11-2014, 07:16 AM
If any of you guys get a chance to catch his episode chasing Musky on Lake of the Woods, do it. It has some great Musky footage. His angles and cinematics actually made me feel like I was in the boat when these fish were coming in!! Got me all fired up!! LOL Anyhow, I think that episode was from a week or so ago (I had it on DVR), so I am not sure about replays.

06-11-2014, 10:35 AM
That's funny. I saw an episode where he fished with Bill Sandy on Lake of the Woods. I don't know if it's the same episode you are referring to, but the one I saw was terrible. The editing was awful. You could tell where they put cuts of video together and you could tell they were different fish, different days, or the anglers were wearing different clothes during what was supposed to be the same fish battle. It was comical. At the end of the show they even netted an imaginary fish ( a fish never went into the net; the net was empty) and started high fiving each other. It's worth the watch if you can see it, just to see how bad it was done. I don't know either of the guys, but if I was Bill Sandy, I would have been embarrassed to be on that episode.

06-11-2014, 11:42 AM
LMAO Yep, thats probably the one. I kinda like the "raw" versions of some of the videos as opposed to the more "polished" ones. Its more like video that I would have taken on my own boat. Now that I think about it, its kind of like "The Blair Witch Project" of Musky episodes, especially with an invisible Musky. LMAO