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Captain Fritz Peterson
05-02-2014, 08:57 AM
Been a little neglect on this report area. Doing a lot on Janet Eileen Charter page on face book and sort of forgot this. I am back now and just wanted to let everybody know that the bay from EGG Harbor down is open. A lot of ice north though - from Egg Harbor straight west across the bay still has ice on it so I would watch out for any strong north winds or running in the dark because this ice could easily find its way south.

Was out Wednesday night for Walleyes and did very well till the rain started so we went in. Water temp is 36 degrees on the open bay - back bays I don't yet. The fish we caught were still very tight yet however the river fish are pretty much done spawning. The opener should be a lot of fun as long as the ice stays north.

Good luck everybody and be safe.
Check you life jackets and flares make sure they are aboard and up to date.
Capt. Fritz