View Full Version : Ice is officially off the lake

Ty Sennett
04-30-2014, 07:51 AM
Well, not really but according to the ice out contest on the site yesterday was the official ice out. Rob Barabe was the winner. Call me or post what colors you want in the Flowage Boas and Corey will make them up this week. You might have to wait a couple more weeks for the Vexers. Just got the first batch of those from the mold and they look great.

Rob must have had some biblical help on ice out because there was a perfect fifty yard wide path of open water from Siskos to Eagle Island last night when I went and looked. This morning the ice shifted and it's scattered ice again. So Rob won but on a technicality. Like I said to Don, rules are rules. You don't need another Flowage Boa anyway Don!

I haven't driven around the lake and probably wont until Friday but from what I can see from the roads about half the lake is open. Maybe more. Hard to tell though. Most of the road areas are where there is current so that's going to be open. I think satellite imagery will tell more.

04-30-2014, 07:59 AM
I will call you this morning Ty. Thanks!

05-01-2014, 09:59 AM
You are right rules are rules and fair was fair. Congratulations to Rob. You are also right I don't need a couple of Flowage Boas, a couple of sticks of dynamite maybe.