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02-26-2014, 01:14 PM
Four of us come up each winter to try for walleye and to get away from the rest of the trolls for a little while. We fished out of Stonington Saturday afternoon until Tuesday morning and then went home. We caught a fair number of fish fishing on the edge of the break lines. Do Jiggers and #7 jigging rapalas were the best lures with buckshot spoons also working. The fish started out biting fairly aggressively on Saturday and Sunday but were a lot harder to coax into biting by Monday and Tuesday.

If someone has a suggestion on how to hook up better with their modifications to the jigging rapalas, I'd like to hear your suggestions. Too many fish hit the rap or were hooked with the rap but came unbuttoned without capture...

Snowmobiles were definitely the ticket for travel out there. Thank you to all who helped me make that call before we left, they definitely saved our trip.


The Bait Shop Guy
02-26-2014, 05:10 PM
Sorry guys, but due to changes on this site, I will no longer be posting fishing reports and info on Baysdenoc.com.

You can still follow my reports at upangler.com , lake-link.com , michigan-sportsman.com , 906outdoors.com , and Bay View Bait and Tackle's facebook page.

See you on the water.