View Full Version : First Flies hot off the presses.

02-23-2014, 08:56 PM
I'm hopin this new part of my Musky addiction helps me get thru this brutal weather. Anyhow, here are a couple of my very first Musky flies that I've ever tied. I'm still getting used to the techniques and getting back into things, but havin a blast so far. The top fly is my first attempt at an articulated fly too. I just can't wait to see how they look in the water too. Is it spring yet?!?!!?!?


02-24-2014, 02:57 PM
Looks good! I've been tying two patterns; variations on Brad Bohen's hang time and another that I cannot remember the name that is articulated and does not requre reverse tied deer fur as does the hang time. Both use lots of materials as do your flies. I tied one at a fly tying round-robin a few weeks ago and it took me 45 minutes to tie one fly!

02-24-2014, 03:59 PM
Thanks man. That bottom fly is called a Supercharger, or at least my version of one. LOL I found a "how to" video for it on the FlyFishers website. With the materials used, I'm guessin this thing will have some crazy movement in the water. I haven't started messin with the Hang time pattern yet. Those two flies right there even took me a while to put together. I wanted to try using those weighted fish skulls too, so I threw that on the articulated fly too. Its kind of a frankenstein. LOL

Even tho they take me a while to get tied, I'm sure I'll have plenty of them by the time I finally have some open water to fish the way this Winter is going.

02-26-2014, 11:23 PM

Here's my latest. I used 6/0 saltwater hooks. I like the fish skull on yours. I'm going to add eyes to some of mine.

02-27-2014, 09:21 AM
Thats a sweet fly. Love the Red and white too. Not sure if it was you and I that talked about it last season, but had a lot of success on red and white. I'm pretty sure the first handful of fish that I landed last year was on that color combo. How are you doing your double hook setup?? I "cheated" with my articulated fly and used the Articulated Big Game Shanks from Flymen Fishing Co. It made it really easy to tie, but I only have the one hook at this point. Also, are you using any beads on the back hook? Just a couple of things that I am considering going forward.

02-27-2014, 10:03 AM
I use 80 lb test fluorocarbon leader to attach the rear hook. This fly has two red beads on the leader material between the hooks. I usually add some sort of bead to the connection on all my articulated patterns. I've used wire instead of the fluorocarbon as well but the wire kinks easier. Lots of nail polish to hold the thread wrap on the fluorocarbon so I can't imagine it ever coming apart.

I'm going to do a yellow and red version as well as a lime-green and red version.

I've been tying "smaller" articlated flies for big trout and really like the way they look. Kelly Gallup has all kinds of neat patterns. I like the idea of using a giant articluated wolly buggertype things except that like with the musky flies, it is a endurance issue for casting.

02-27-2014, 10:30 AM
Cool, I'm gonna have to try a couple with a similar type connection. ALthough I really like the idea of having only one hook to worry about when it comes to dealing with those teeth, I also really like having a 2nd hook to help seal the deal.

Yep, I've seen some of Kelly's patterns too, pretty awesome. People are doing some really cool things with flies nowadays. Have you seen the "Game Changer" flies? Those things are basically tied on spines and have some crazy action. Seems to me this a good time to get into fly tying since there are so many new websites, equipment and techniques poppin up out there.

03-16-2014, 02:18 PM
Another firetiger pattern with a different collar than first one.


04-08-2014, 08:35 AM
Finally got to see my flies in action. Man, I am all fired up over how they breath and move in the water. The synthetic materials just give these things so much action. A little vibration on the strip, and the movement on the pause looks incredible. Now, I just need to hook some fish to make sure that my hook placement is good and that they don't fall apart after only one fish. LOL

05-13-2014, 08:17 AM
Well, I finally threw the bottom fly in the first picture last week too. Holy crap that thing looks incredible in the water. The fibers kind of bunch up on the pause giving it a little extra flare during the retrieve. Also, I didn't tie in a weighted head on this one and the hang time lasts forever. Gotta run this on an intermediate or sinking line to get any depth out of it. Gonna tie up a couple more with fish skulls to get em a little deeper too. My only concern with this pattern at this point is the hook placement. Its right at the head of the fly and there is a lot of body behind it. I guess I'll just have to see how it goes once I get some teeth to attack it.

05-23-2014, 12:53 PM
Here's another fly that looks crazy!


I've never tied a tube fly but this one (and the other patterns like it) look amazing.

05-27-2014, 06:52 AM
I've never messed with the tube flies either. That thing looks like it would have some fantastic action too. I'm still gettin used to tying these beasts up and will probably stick with these couple of patterns for a while. The good part is that they have moved quite a few fish the couple of times I've been out so far. I can't really ask for more than that.

I'm also learning that buying fly tying materials is almost as bad as buying tackle/lures. I just keep finding new materials "that would look great on a fly" just about everywhere I look. LOL

05-28-2014, 07:12 AM
What was great about that particular video was that it lead me to places to get materials. 20 inch long flash-a-bou is cool stuff! Also found a place to get aluminum eye balls.

05-28-2014, 08:01 AM
LOL That is some cool stuff. And I'm with ya there, more places to get some good materials. If you haven't tried it yet, take a stroll thru your local craft store sometime. Man, just loads and loads of potential. I have my eye on this iridescent perch/walleye color material. So far tho, I haven't found it in a style that I could actually tie into a fly. The search continues.

06-28-2014, 08:32 PM
Here's another fly. A little smaller since it seems as if smaller has been better lately.


06-29-2014, 11:10 AM
Cool pattern man. I see that you have a lot of the synthetic flash material in there. That material has been very good to me so far this year, and it looks awesome in the water. The fish have been on it big time. I'm still stuck basically tying the same style fly over and over, but hey, as long as they keep getting eaten, no reason to change it up. LOL

06-29-2014, 11:31 AM
Here's a video of the basis for this fly. Mine is basially a green-black version. I even put in the rattle!


06-30-2014, 08:19 AM
Good video too. You'll have to let me know how that fly does for you. I'm especially curious to see if the rattle seems to help at all. I've been wanting to try a couple on mine too.