View Full Version : Weekend fishing report

Ty Sennett
02-04-2014, 08:56 AM
I fished over the weekend with the owner of Thorne Brothers in Minnesota and a couple other friends. We caught about eighty crappie on Saturday and kept forty. We threw back a few big ones. 11 1/2 inches was the largest and I lost a buck on that one. I had an 11 1/4 inch for my largest and it was big enough to beat my buddy Rob so that's all that matters.

Sunday was a little tougher, mainly because we stayed at Deerfoot a little too long the night before. Good times but hard on fishing the next day. We caught a few decent ones but overall a tougher bite. We moved around some and found some fish but they were either really aggressive or not going to move at all. Not sure how many we caught. Maybe forty. Only about ten to fifteen were keepers. We got about four good hours of fishing in.

Good luck,