View Full Version : 30 Years of Muskie Fishing

HD Fatboy
12-07-2013, 09:35 AM
A Very interesting video I came accross from 1984, a documentary by Jerry Chiappetta for 3M Sportsman's Series 'Muskie Fishing Magic'. Featuring veteran Muskie guides and anglers like Babe Winkelman, Larry Ramsell, and Wayne Gutsch (RIP). Informative and entertaining, if a bit dated. Interesting to see how much the sport has changed in 30 years.

Check out the fish handling on Lake St. Clare at aroungd 20:30


12-11-2013, 12:39 PM
I'm not sure which was harder to watch.. the fish handling or Babe Winkelman in those nut huggers! Excuse me while I rinse my eyes with Clorox :eek:

HD Fatboy
12-12-2013, 07:00 AM
LOL.......Thats funny!