View Full Version : October 14th and 15th fishing report

Ty Sennett
10-16-2013, 07:30 AM
The last few days have been a challenge as far as patience but we did get one nice 43 inch fish in the boat. It rained/misted all day yesterday and we didn't get a follow or anything all day. I thought it was going to be a great day. Maybe we were just off on timing on spots. The feeding windows have been small lately. Two days ago we fished hard all day and only saw a couple fish and then at the last spot two hit at the same time. Go figure. We need this cool down to get them going. Waterr temps were in the mid fifties yesterday and I'm sure dropped some more overnight.

Good luck,

10-16-2013, 12:55 PM
Coming up the 25th. Hoping to see water temps in the 40's. I plan on sucker fishing, hopefully.