View Full Version : Turnover

09-19-2013, 09:40 AM
Hi Ty,

I fish the flowage almost every weekend during the season and was wondering when you think turnover will take place this year? Last weekend water temps were in that 68-71 range and saw some people saying that they have dropped in the mid 60's this week. I know some people don't feel that the flowage turns over as normal bodies of water do but just wanted to see your take on it and your thoughts on this year. Have noticed alot of green algae on the water the past couple weekends.

Also, we have still been seeing fish on the bars and weed edges and was wondering if you are still seeing the same this past week and when do you feel they will start to scatter (obviously taken into account "turnover")? Do you think this year could be a bit different given that water temps never really got to extremely uncomfortable levels and that the water temps a couple feet down stayed relatively cool this year during summer?

Ty Sennett
09-20-2013, 07:16 AM
The green you are seeing is from the weeds dying off and decaying. Turnover hasn't started yet. The Chip usually turns over around the 1st of October.

As for where the fish will be, I try not to even think I know where they will be so I'm not disappointed or swayed one way or another. I try to let the fish tell me where they are by fishing just about anywhere and everywhere. Sounds odd but it works.