View Full Version : August 28th fishing report

Ty Sennett
08-29-2013, 06:46 AM
I had Dave Black and Woody out yesterday and we started out pretty good with back to back fish. One 38 incher on a Pacemaker and one 40 incher on a Cowgirl. We had five others follow and a few other hits but those could have been pike for all we know. One follow was in that fifty inch range. I'd guess just shy of it. Slow and lazy though. In the evening Tony Curtis jumped in the boat and I don't think any of us said a word because Tony talked non stop for four hours. I kept thinking he was gong to run out of words but I was definitely wrong. Maybe it was the 7 cups of coffee he had on the way up to Hayward. We didn't get any in the evening but we did see Tyler Treeland get a nice one next to us. I had a great time and that was Woody's largest fish so that made the morning and Tony more than made the evening a social event. Too funny.

Good luck,