View Full Version : Just another big fish story

08-26-2013, 02:30 PM
Reeling......reeling..reeling fast....faster faster. bam bam ski on.......reeling reeling drag drag drag....oh my god I can see her, oh my god this is going to be my personal best...power run #1..going to call my wife and then my Father in law...grabbing for net...power run #2...boy, can't believe how cool I look right now, please let Ty drive by...grabbing for net...power run #3....oh my god don't screw this up...oh my god she is 47 48 49and is jumping.....throwing up in mouth a little...did she just wink at me???.....tear #1.....tear #2.....yes grown man crying on the deck of a shiny sparkly red champion...staring at flowage boa t-shirt..why why your named after a predator snake wrapped around a musky in this illustration.......alone... and really not feeling cool anymore....cast reel...cast reel...cast reel

Brandon Sura

Ty Sennett
08-27-2013, 06:44 AM
Oh man that stinks. Been there a few times and it aint fun. Well, if it makes you feel any worse I'm guessing it wont be the last big fish you lose but hopefully you get the next one.