View Full Version : Fishing report for 8-19-2013

08-20-2013, 08:57 AM
Hi everyone,

Guided Brad and his lovely wife Barb out of Tiger Musky resort for a half day yesterday morning. We started out with a chilly, cloudy day that threatened rain but never did. After a couple hours the sun broke out and it warmed up quick. The stiff SW wind helped make it a comfortable day.

The bite was tough for most of the morning but using my new inline lead-free jigs, we were able to haul in a couple of walleyes keeping one as well as LGM bass, SM bass, crappie,bluegill,and perch. I filleted the walleye,crappie,LGM bass, and perch for thier fish fry. All the fish were on the minnows with the leeches not producing a thing. Remember, Please go lead-free. Good luck fishing everyone.
