View Full Version : Lots of Pictures!

08-10-2013, 11:22 AM
I haven't been fishing much lately - since the July 4 weekend I've been trying to determine whether I was leaking a little bit of something into the lake, or just seeing normal unburned fuel in the exhaust at shutdown. I definitely didn't want to end up leaking a lot of anything into the TFF (other than recycled beverages), and I eventually determined that I have a little leak in one of the gearcase seals that needs to get fixed next time up. But I did spend 4 weekends there in July, mostly taking a lot of pictures around the area - everything from the Minocqua ski show and fireworks to numerous waterfalls in the Ironwood-Hurley area, including a couple that I hadn't seen before. Check out the latest albums and enjoy!

08-10-2013, 02:40 PM
Blue we fallow and look forward to all the pics of the TFF you post it is some great work. My wife seen some she would of like to post on a Facebook album for others to enjoy. I told her i would ask you if its ok or not.Great pics and keep them coming

08-11-2013, 08:23 AM
gotta tell ya Blue, you certainly know how to take something ordinary and make it look exceptional!! Outstanding work!! Thanks again for sharing this with us....

08-11-2013, 11:52 AM
It's fine to share them as long as the image is not altered in any way and the copyright watermark is not removed. But the albums are public, so it would be less work to just copy the link to the album and post that on FB with a message to check it out. Mooselegs, I find all the scenery in the area extraordinary, so I'm curious which particular "ordinary" thing you liked! I appreciate all the kind words from everybody on this board - back when I was just taking lots of nice snapshots, seeing how many people enjoyed them really gave me an incentive to improve my equipment and skills and both have come a long way in a relatively short amount of time.

08-11-2013, 05:07 PM
....Ordinary....how about old trash trucks!! Ok, I will admit, that is not ordinary....it's less than ordinary....it's trash!! and you manage to make it a thing of beauty. very nice.....

08-11-2013, 09:13 PM
Blue thanks for the ok to put the pics up,the credit is all you my friend we like to show the great pics of the TFF mostly to other family members and friends because we enjoy the flowage so much and it reminds me of some of the things we see when we are up there.its not as easy getting up there as often as we would like to but we feel if we share with others they may want to come up with us or make there trip solo. thanks again and the best to all that view.Blue the more pics of the TFF you post the we will view looking forward to the next set.thanks again.

08-14-2013, 09:30 AM
Always making more, SS. Mooselegs, one man's trash, right? No photographer can resist playing with the colors and textures of anything rusty, rotted and old. In my eyes, those aren't junk, they're historic treasures!