View Full Version : bulldog?

08-07-2013, 10:57 PM
trying to expand my horizons and fish a little deeper. So mag dogs will fit my regular leader just fine, but I like my arms attached to my body so I'm not in love with throwing those things. Regular bulldogs seem to be something I can throw for a few hours but they of course do not fit my leader. So here is the question for anyone, do you guys/gals just tie in a home made fluorocarbon leader or is there an extra swivel/hardware "thingy" to attach to the bulldog to allow a regular leader to work? Also pull/pause or rip/pause works best right??

fishing report 8-5 41" on pacemaker, 8-6 rained out at night (bummer), 8-7 little 31.5" on a boa (he was a jumper though)

p.s. Thanks to the guy down by dun rovin that serenaded me and the family with bag pipes tonight, our only source of entertainment since there was no fish down there.

Ty Sennett
08-08-2013, 06:26 AM
I'll be honest with you, if you're not throwing Pounders or Mag Dawgs you might as well just not throw them. Especially on the east side where you do most of your fishing. Your better off throwing deep diving crankbaits than the regular Dawg. You don't need a new leader though. Just open the gap a little on the snap and your fine. Don't use Flourocarbon for Bulldawgs either. Great way to get cut off or really frustrated with tangles. Use a rip pause technique for them.

Bulldwgs aren't the answer to slow days. In fact there are about 1 in 10 people that can even throw them anyway so most of the time I don't even think of throwing them. That being said we've caught about five on them this year. Not that many. My guess is we would have caught that many or more on bucktails those days also. Long story short, don't feel like you have to use them. The water temps aren't high this year anyway.

Good luck Chris,

08-08-2013, 06:44 AM
thanks ty, so apparently I have a couple of baits I don't need (just a couple ha, ha), anyone know of any swap boards at any of the local bait stores, or is it just e-bay time?

Ty Sennett
08-09-2013, 06:26 AM
Next year you'll be able to troll them from what it sounds like. I'd keep them.

Jason L.
08-09-2013, 08:53 AM
next year you'll be able to troll them from what it sounds like. I'd keep them.

troll?!!!! Noooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-09-2013, 04:10 PM
Yeah, I have read that trolling thing also. 1 line per person. Would have bought a different boat for the flowage had I known they (dnr? polotics?) were going to pull that crap. Heard detloff tried getting it amended to fall sucker fishing, but no luck there. Maybe I should just embrace me and the family running in circles around petes bar next year, but for now I am still hoping whoever "they are" will get there head out of there !@#$ before 2014. So much for listening to what the majority of people voted for.
I assume that will totally change how guiding will be done.

Ty Sennett
08-10-2013, 07:20 AM
I don't think the Chip is going to be the best trolling lake. Granted, you can catch fish trolling but the Chip will be a nightmare to troll. When or if trolling opens on the Chip, bring lots of baits. you'll need them.

08-11-2013, 01:48 PM
The Govenor has put the trolling change on hold until the hearings in 2015. Has requested the DNR study the issue further. Concerned the people were not listened to when the popular vote was "No" and they went ahead with it anyway. Taking your politcal views of Walker off the table, you have to thank him for stopping the "Know It Alls" at the DNR from doing whatever they want.

08-11-2013, 10:55 PM
sweet, to much fishing and not enough news watching for me apparently.

Mark Benson
08-12-2013, 03:14 PM

Of which I am one!!!

With all due respect to one's political views, the "know-it-alls" at the WDNR had nothing to do with the potential indoctrination of the new trolling law. I am not 100% sure myself, but I believe it was pushed through at the Natural Resources Board level, though who put it on the agenda for that meeting is unclear to me at this time. I have a lot more respect for the people who do the "science" at the WDNR, than the politicians who push the "crap" through because of some constituancy of theirs...

Just my two cents on the matter...
