View Full Version : Summertime Pike

Joel DeBoer
07-17-2013, 01:19 PM
Northern pike are an admired game fish here in the upper Midwest and for good reason – they’re plentiful, aggressive, and more than capable of reaching lengths exceeding 40”. While popular with ice-fishermen and anglers in boats during the cooler open water months of spring as well as again in autumn, pike are often written off as quarry during the peak surface water temperatures of summer.

Arguably, there is valid reasoning for this – while small northern pike remain in shallow weedy water through much of the year, large northern pike move deeper as summer progresses, seeking oxygenated water of 65 degrees or cooler; simply put, to continually catch respectable pike, anglers need fish much deeper than many are normally accustomed to doing so.
All hope for the pike fisherman is not lost however, as viable options exist for efficiently probing the depths containing suitable water temperatures to house numbers of trophy grinners! Trolling and vertical fishing offer the modern esox angler perhaps the two most productive methods for scoring on big summertime pike.

Vertical jigging for deep water bruisers begins first and foremost with location. Deep weed lines, mid-lake humps, sharp break lines, and points extending out into deep water are all excellent starting points. The use of electronics capable of down and side imaging such as those produced by Humminbird can help you quickly identify likely fish holding areas. Incorporate the use of a Lakemaster chip and its ability to allow you to highlight certain depth ranges on your unit and you can quickly eliminate water while identifying the proverbial “spot on the spot.”
I prefer longer rods when vertical jigging for large toothy predators with my preference being an 8’ 6” St. Croix Legend Tournament ‘Long Ranger’ or ‘Sling Blade’, depending on how heavy of a lure or presentation I am using. The added length makes working over-sized baits a breeze with minimal effort, and provides extra leverage for powering big hooks into bony jaws during the hook set.

The Jig-A-Beast by Esox Research is a great option for fishing vertical for pike. The jig and paddle-tailed plastic trailer combo is available in both 1 and 1 ½ ounce sizes and colors catering to both clear and stained water conditions. Work the Jig-A-Beast with a lift-and-drop cadence being mindful to pay attention to the line on the drop and most strikes will occur then. Another option for vertical jigging is the new Vertical Jig Hellhound, also from Esox Research. At 6” long and just shy of 4 ounces in weight, this lure offers a larger more aggressive presentation than the Jig-A-Beast due in part to the blade on its tail that creates vibration and flash on the descent.

Where allowed, trolling is a highly productive option for catching giant pike during the summer months. As with fishing vertical, your Humminbird and Lakemaster chip will greatly assist in identifying and staying on likely pike holding locations. Traditional deep running crankbaits such as the Clackin’ Magnum and X-Rap Magnum from Rapala and Storm’s Deep Jointed Minnowstick are solid options for trolling pike. Hybrid crankbaits, those combing a plastic body with live action plastic tail, are veritable pike magnets. Baits such as Musky Innovations Deep Invader, Drifter Tackle’s Super Believer and Super Invader, and the Squirrely Jake and Squirrely Ernie from Musky Mania Tackle are lures that can often produce strikes from pike that may otherwise ignore other offerings.

When trolling crankbaits it is important to experiment with speed and let the fish dictate how fast you run your baits; in addition, rather than just running the boat in a straight line, maneuver in an ‘s’ shaped pattern. As your boat moves and turns in an ‘s’ shape, it causes the outside line to speed up while the inside line slows down. The changes in speed often trigger strikes from fish that perhaps need a little extra incentive to bite; in addition, paying attention to when those strikes occur can help you pattern the fish. For example, if you are only eliciting strikes on the outside lure(s) when you’re turning the boat, perhaps an overall increase in boat speed will produce more fish on all of your lines. Conversely, if the strikes are occurring on the inside lines during your turns, it might be wise to slow your boat speed a bit and observe what happens.

While crankbaits are indeed favorites, they are not the only option for the esox hunter when it comes to catching fish while trolling. Rubber baits like the Bulldawg and Double Dawg work well, although typically require slower speeds and sometimes the addition of added weight to maintain depths similar to their crankbait counterparts. Spoons such as the Mepps Syclops, a prime option when trolling for great lakes salmon and trout, are equally as deadly when trolling for big summertime gators.
Large willow leaf bucktails like the Giant Killer, also from Mepps, are overlooked but versatile and effective lures for pulling huge pike from along deep weed lines and stump fields. The key to selecting a bucktail for pike trolling is to choose an option with a willow leaf blade – the willow leaf has less lift in the water meaning you are able to fish it deeper easier than ‘tails having Colorado or Indiana blades. With the addition of a snap weight or other trolling sinker, bucktails, as with Bulldawgs, can be effectively utilized for deep water trolling applications.

We’re lucky to live in a region home to a variety of species capable of reaching trophy proportions. As with any prized catch, proper catch and release is an imperative component of keeping the fishery alive and well for generations to come. Proper catch and release begins with not playing the fish to exhaustion, especially during the hot summer months. Use a net of appropriate size, and as with the Frabill Conservation Series, a net designed not with ‘catch and capture’ in mind but truly with the best interest of the fish. The Conservation Series features 100% knotless mesh netting and flat linear bottoms that aid in supporting the weight of the entire fish. Release tools such as a hook cutters, long-nosed pliers, and jaw spreaders should be readily accessible. If the fish is going to be removed from the water for pictures, it should be done as quickly as possible.

While summer may be half over, that means we still have a half to go! Try giving deep water pike fishing a try – you might just catch a monster. I’ll see you on the water...

Tight lines,

07-19-2013, 10:04 AM
Nice article, but I kind of miss the actual fishing reports for the area...

The generalized information is good for the newspaper or even more appropriate for a magazine, which is probably the direction your trying to go with it. Good luck.

Joel DeBoer
07-19-2013, 02:24 PM
And to you as well!