View Full Version : Youth Event Stats

07-13-2013, 05:53 AM
This year's youth event kept us on our toes. It seems our event not only was it advertized in the Parks eletter it was posted on Facebook also. Most of you know we only provide 100 rods and reels for the kids to keep. We had at least 130 show up. Park staff found some more rods and some people shared so I don't think we upset too many children. We'll figure out a way to avoid this situation next year. We also had a minor mix-up in communication that found us with no grill for the dogs at the start of the event. A good friend of the club's, Chuck McKnight, came to our rescue and threw his grill in the back of his Honda and rushed it over to us. Master griller Tom Rankin put it to guick use and went through all 180 hot-dogs and 40 brauts in no time. We also went through the 4 cases of water Cabela's provided. The rods and reels Cabela's provided were a big hit also. This makes the third year in a row the Jones Hatchery channel catfish all wanted to be caught at least once and the few kids that didn't catch one received a Cabels's hat. Rob said the hat worked like magic because as soon as he'd hand them a hat they'd catch a fish. I want to thank all the volunteers that helped especially the new members. I hope you had as much fun as I did. Picture will be posted soon from the event.