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View Full Version : Turning the corner

07-07-2013, 02:29 PM
Last week was strange.Following exceptional fishing since the Opener,fishing dropped off dramatically.Last nite it changed again with most boats reporting multiple fish and a number of good ones.Hopefully the july 'peak' has arrived.And stays.What changed?Who knows?Only the musky god I'm afraid and as mentioned before,he(she?)talks rarely and not to me since I quit drinking.
Regardless,those of you due here soon can cheer up.

07-08-2013, 04:13 PM
Last week was strange.Following exceptional fishing since the Opener,fishing dropped off dramatically.Last nite it changed again with most boats reporting multiple fish and a number of good ones.Hopefully the july 'peak' has arrived.And stays.What changed?Who knows?Only the musky god I'm afraid and as mentioned before,he(she?)talks rarely and not to me since I quit drinking.
Regardless,those of you due here soon can cheer up.

I fished the NW Angle area Sat 6/29- Friday July 5th staying at Belle Island in Sabaskoshing bay. It was definitely a weird but decent week of fishing. I caught a 47.5" on 6/30 and a new personal best 48" on 7/1 Water temps were hovering between 68-70 those days and both fish were caught on small muskie cranks. With stable warm weather we expected to fishing to get even better as the week went on but overall saw very few active fish Wed-Friday. My wife did manage to catch a 42" on a topwater and my brother caught a beat-up 41.5" while trolling for walleyes. We threw pretty much everything in the box and could NOT move fish on bucktails or spinnerbaits. Gliders and topwater were the only baits to move fish besides the cranks.

I only saw Frank's white ranger on the water once during our trip...he must have been on a different area of the lake or taking it easy these days!

Here are few pics for those of you in need of a little LOTW muskie fix until you can make the trip up.

http://imageshack.us/a/img843/8093/zzhf.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/843/zzhf.jpg/)

http://imageshack.us/a/img196/9510/j3jk.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/196/j3jk.jpg/)

http://imageshack.us/a/img600/3852/c2iz.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/600/c2iz.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

07-08-2013, 07:37 PM
Congrats on your new PB.Nice fish.
Your week sounds similar to guests at Franks.Hopefully that's behind us.

07-08-2013, 08:24 PM
Congrats on your new PB.Nice fish.
Your week sounds similar to guests at Franks.Hopefully that's behind us.Sounds like the Flatlanders will hit it right. Wish I was going to be there...having to work sucks. Keep me posted of their success. I'll live through their stories. Good luck to everyone and be safe out there.

07-08-2013, 09:08 PM
What?Work?Highly overrated.
Darn,all my thought recently has gone into 'mooning'and i was prepared to give new meaning to 'full' moon,waning moon,and even 'cow jumping over the moon'.Oh well,maybe Sully is coming and I can enlighten(by the light of the moon)him.

07-09-2013, 10:38 AM
Earlier in this thread I mentioned the musky god.Well sometimes one simply has to pull out all the stops when it comes to big fish.After last week I decided I'd try a few 'sacrifices' to appease the musky god and see if that ended last weeks big fish drought.Oh I'd caught a few fish,even a fat 47 one day when out with Jake,but no serious biggies.In fact the only biggies I saw last week were behind his Suicks or Sledges.So,last nite I decided to make some serious sacrifices to see if I could appease the ol boy.
So I vowed:
1.I would not mow Frankies lawn.

2.I would not tip Jake the dock boy with $100 bills.

3.I would quit being so nice to the 'General'.

4.I would not refuse any meals or snacks Laura dropped off for me.

And on and on.You get the idea though-serious sacrifices.
Having made those vows I slept well and was ready this AM.Then at 4;15 the power went out while I was dressing-and just as my coffee was half done.As I left it was so muggy and hot I dressed lightly and barely survived the mosquitos on the way to my boat.Then the storm hit-thunder/lightning like I'd never seen in years.Then rain-so hard my auto bilge came on repeatedly.What?Hadn't he appreciated my sacrifices/Was he mad?
Well then I made that one cast-you know,the one that lands in the right spot at the right time.Ah yes,the drought is over,THANK YOU musky god!!!!
Count on me never mowing Frankies yard,tipping Jake 100s,etc.
Good sacrificing and fishing to all.

Tim Kelly
07-10-2013, 02:29 AM
Very cunning Mr P. I think you've got a heck of a summer ahead of you now!

BTW, no pictures, it never happened....

07-10-2013, 04:36 AM
No pics this year Tim,at least if I'm alone.I understand the 'never happened' point though and agree.Life is just a 'fish story' anyway.It was a heck of a day around here yesterday though-lot's of fish stories.Cell phone pics suck anyway.:-)

07-10-2013, 07:27 PM
Glad, I was able to contribute to the fishing hitting rock bottom last week before this wonderful turn around. If only I'd been able to stick around to enjoy it, but of course my staying probably would have resulted in serious sacrifices being made. Only truly big fish I saw all week was Saturday morning when we went out before leaving at 4:30am. Not even Pearson had left the dock yet. But, as the saying goes, looks aren't everything, and it is hard to take pics of follows.
