View Full Version : Musky Fishing Report

Andy Huffmaster
07-01-2013, 06:56 PM
North wind and lots of sunshine has made for a difficult bite the last couple of days. Muskies have been sitting in the middle of thick weed clumps and it takes several casts right over them to get em to move, we've also seen several fish sunning themselves in calm bays inches below the surface. Running spinnerbaits through the thick cover has been the most productive method for getting the fish to move, slow moving topwater is your best bet to persuade any of those fish high in the water column sunning themselves. Be sure to do a full figure 8 after every cast because fish have been following late. The holiday weekend forecast looks good for catching fish. Everyone have a safe and happy 4th. Good Luck!

07-02-2013, 06:02 AM
Thanks For the update Andy. I'll be coming up in a week hope those fish are looking to dance a little.

gdi Ken