View Full Version : Fishing report for 6-19-2013

06-20-2013, 06:00 AM
Hi everyone,

This year I donated a half day of guiding to the Big Chip Fish Fest to help raise money for the stocking of the extended growth walleyes. Yesterday I guided the winner of that raffle who paid $100,00 extra to make it a full day. I turned around and donated that $100.00 back to the BCFF.

I picked up Jan and Frank at Deer run resort and set out under mostly sunny skies with a gentle SW breeze. It was chilly to start but warmed up quickly to the 70's. The water temps started out at 68 degrees but it also rose quickly to 72 degrees. Action started out fast with 3 walleyees and a couple crappies at the first spot. The bite slowed considerably after that with a few crappies caught in a few spots.

We fished mainly woody humps and flats, so after lunch I figured I'd try some soft bottom humps. That failed to produce even a bite. Don't know if it was time of day or what, but the next three woody humps were loaded with walleyes and crappies. By the end of the day we had 11 walleyes boated keeping 5 nice ones and between the three of us we boated 3-4 dozen crappies keeping just one. Jan did the honors with the crappies catching one after another at times. Most crappies were 11"-12". We just kept one to add fillets to the pile and released all the others.

We caught the walleyes mainly on My lead-free jigs tipped with a leech with two on a minnow. Most of the crappies were caught on the minnows. We rounded out the day with a few nice fat perch, and a rock bass which were released.

Please help protect our waters, use lead-free jigs. Good luck fishing everyone.
