View Full Version : dateup

06-13-2013, 09:40 AM
Weeds finally starting to show.Water temps moving up to mid 60s.Mosquitoing is about as good as it gets.10 per arm,20 minimum on your body constantly.
Taking a hike for deer spots or seeking the fountain of youth will 'net' you 7-15 wood ticks.Lot's of 3 to even 4 lb smallies.(best ever)Frankie in a pretty good mood.(most of the time).
Should be a good opener.

Tim Kelly
06-13-2013, 02:53 PM
Is the opener this weekend? Good luck (skill and technique) to all who are lucky enough to be fishing it. Look forward to some reports.

Muskie Junkie
06-14-2013, 07:26 AM
Thanks for the update DP. Was curious where water temps were at right now. Sounds like you are limiting out everyday on mosquitos and ticks. Please try to cull most of those out of there before we arrive in July. :cool:

06-15-2013, 08:21 PM
Pretty good opener-at least for us.My buddy and I went out about 8 and got 3 right away.Came in to feed the dog,nap,the usual only to find high winds and tough fishing this afternoon.We ended up with a handful.Not sure how others did as we came in early.Did chat with Doug J and his companions the Sworsky brothers this AM and they were doing well.
Weeds are coming and I'm pretty hopeful now for Operation Muskie.

Steve,forgot-water temps ranged from 64 to 69 today.

06-16-2013, 08:34 PM
Pretty much a ditto today.We took a long ride toward Kenora to look at another burn with a view toward deer hunting.Got 3 decent ones and saw a fair number.I declared the real serious part of the season officially open when I got a mid 40s fish to eat and hang onto a jackpot.Had a few follow on surface baits before but this was the first hit and catch on one.
We came in at noon and went to Jerrys with Frank to eat and then help a bit with a few chores.We got out a couple hours late afternoon and got 2 more. My buddy leaves tomorrow so likely won't be reporting much for awhile.Weeds advancing.Watched the water temps closely today and no gain.(cool,rain,etc)Varied from 64 to a high of 69 in one shallow,sheltered bay.A surprising thing and interpret as you want but the pike are back shallow in numbers and,for the most part,the big girls have disappeared.I have my theories and look forward to about 5-7 days from now.
Maybe(hopefully)about Operation Muskie time???!!!
Good fishing to all.

06-18-2013, 01:21 AM
i declared the real serious part of the season officially open when I got a mid 40s fish to eat and hang onto a jackpot.

I'm not sure how many times I've heard the saying that "crackpots throw jackpots." What's next, that every small boulder shoreline you come across you're going to put down the muskie gear and catch smallies instead? Or maybe that Frank likes to go out and catch walleye in his free time, by himself, and then brings them home to eat for dinner?

Well I guess I can take take solace in the fact that the season has started on some typical level, in that you're going out and catching fish at will. I place a lure bet with anyone that you put an 8.14 dollar bill fish in the net before your 7th day on the water during the season is up.


06-18-2013, 07:48 PM
Done deal.
On a more serious note there's a caution warning for those coming in the near future.The lake is high and that means assorted debris is floated free from shorelines or wherever and is drifting here/there and can be hazardous.In some places a lot of it.Wind of course moves it around but also they must have the Dam at Kenora open cause the 'natural' flow is VERY strong and is also moving crap around.I hit a big(12+ inch diameter)log at high speed and was lucky on 2 counts.I wasn't ejected and I hit it hard enuf to launch high enuf that my motor cleared it somehow.I had that happen on Lac Suel in the 80s and was hoping that was my first and last attempt at moon walking.Not so.
Not trying to alarm anyone,just pay attention is the message.Not sure I'd recommend night travel right now-particularly in a narrow channel area.
Also some 'traditional' deadheads that have been around are gone.Where?A couple I am used to have relocated a short distance but a few are unaccounted for.Fortunately most are not in 'high' speed areas.

06-19-2013, 12:05 PM
So did your fishing partner tell ya how I busted his rod last year and mine the next day!!
He did not laugh when I broke his but he laughed his a@@ off when mine broke though!
See you in August if your up.

06-19-2013, 12:33 PM
Yeh,he told me.:-)I thought it was funny!
He let the old man beat him this trip.I thought that was funny as well.
See ya in August,'hi' to Carole!

06-20-2013, 01:15 PM
Well I'm very disappointed.I have been saving a 50 for my good buddy Jake the dock boy.He shows up yesterday but immediately 'punched in' and went to work.I took his dad and the 'General' out this morning for a few hours and wouldn't ya know it?The General catches the 50 with Jakes name all over it.I ask ya,who would do that to a nice young man like Jake?Sad.
We got 3 others but that just ruined it for me.Shame on the General!

06-23-2013, 05:04 AM
Painful as it is,I'll have to admit the 'General' and his 'support system' are doing pretty well.About 25 fish in their boat the last 4 days-and they are dragging me all over the lake in the process.I keep watching them and trying to figure out how this is possible and can only conclude there must be a separate,distinct class of ignorant muskies.Go figure!

Weeds are up,temps consistently around 69-70 and things are looking good for Op Muskie!Guide meeting today,set up soon complete,tomorrow it starts.YEH!!!
We'll get a separate thread going soon.