View Full Version : my first true figure eight

06-11-2013, 10:55 PM
So I have had fish chase in a figure eight but not eat, and I have had fish hit in the first turn when you start the figure eight but this was my first time I had done a figure eight a couple times and then had a hit

Was fishing with the wife tonight and had a fish come in late and slow on a pacemaker and follow my boat side turn and then slowly slide away. Caught a 41 inch on Sunday with a pacemaker that made that classic wake before it hit. Also had 3 follows and another hit on sunday, but all my follows would come in hot and then turn off at the end. I just try to keep my pacemaker doing an L and then lead it around the boat, that did not work suday. Back to story... so today fish slides away and I believe I have read on here pacemakers roll under water, but I was determined after sunday to try something different. I submerge the pacemaker and on the second or third eight wham fish on. (could not see the fish chase, but oh well) My first figure eight on a pacemaker, go figure.
Fish managed to unhook itself in net, but both edges of its mouth were stuck in the net with the lure right in front of the fish. Fish thrashed in the net and actually rehooked itself in the mouth. Then had to take hook out of fishes mouth, sides of mouth still tangled in the net, hook really tangled in net,screw it, cut the hook before fish rehooks itself again. Fish swam away nicely, had wife take really awesome release video. Go to watch awesome release video, wife says oh I had to push button after I put it on movie mode. Thus no awesome release video.

QUESTION anyone have luck redoing the middle hook on the pacemaker, I have tried replacing middle hook before, but snapped off the eyebolt(?) holding it on the lure. Am I better off split ringing the hook on or should I leave it without the thud off the middle hook, or should I just try to bend it out again

I've got my fever back. One follow last night, all my action on pacemakers, sorry about pick of 45, could not make it to obvious, (up here for most of june) if the picks work at all

TY where you at, hiding on the West side, don't think I've bumped into you this year?

Ty Sennett
06-12-2013, 06:12 AM
I would definitely put another hook on the middle. I'll throw another in the boat and stop by and see you so I can fix it. I've seen you out there every day. You had a youngster with you the one time I saw you. Thankfully with this weird spring we're still getting them on topwater. Congrats on the nice fish you've been getting. See you on the water.

06-12-2013, 12:48 PM
that would be super awesome, because that lure was technically said youngster's lure, and he is not to happy about it. See I will have to keep mixing in the Stillwater, have not got one on that yet