View Full Version : Fishing report for 5-18-2013

05-18-2013, 09:42 PM
Hi everyone,

Had two good fisherman out today who were staying at the Lake Chippewa Campground. It started out raining with very little wind and very cool air temps. With the heavy overcast sky I expected some good fishing for walleyes, but we fished for two hours before we caught a fish. We fished a woody mid depth hump, then two 9-11 foot woody flats. Fishing hard and methodically drifting and anchoring and jigging with minnows, we were just not getting a response. Finally we found the walleyes on a woody drop off from 12-20 feet deep. The action stopped just as soon as it started but we were happy to have found some walleyes.

After some excellently done up Philly Cheese steaks by Kathy at Deerfoot Lodge, we set out in hopes of finding MR. Walleye.After fishing woody humps, flats, hard bottom humps, and soft bottom humps, I brought us back to where we had success earlier. Bingo. We fished there untill late afternoon and wound up with a respectable bag of 3 perch, 3 northerns and here is where it gets cloudy. We caught 7 walleyes and kept 4, but when I filleted the biggest one, it had two small walleyes in it. So, did we catch 7 or 9 walleyes. You decide. Everything was caught on jigs and minnows and slip bobbers and minnows.

The weather was raining all morning, but in the afternoon, the sun came out and it got down right warm. The wind was from the South West all day starting out slow, then picking up in the afternoon. it was like two different days. The water temps were 56 to start, but lowered to 53 by days end.
I have to apologize to Tom and Henry. The pictures got lost when I down loaded the pics from the camera. I screwed up. Sorry.

I continue to use my lead-free jigs and I am field testing a new type of jig. Tom and Henry wanted to buy some right now but I am still in the testing stage even though the new type of jigs are working super. There is a big twist I am doing with these jigs that stand them apart from any other jig you will find any where else. In fact there are many things that are different. I'm hoping to have these jigs ready to market in about 1-2 months. If you would like to buy some of my lead-free traditional jigs, go to www.americantraditionsfishingtackle.com. Also you can buy these jigs at Deerfoot Lodge and Pat's Landing. Hopefully I can get them out in more outlets soon. Good luck fishing everyone.
