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View Full Version : Conditions 5/8/13

Scott Biscobing
05-08-2013, 11:35 AM
Well with the opener under our belts things are changing fast. The lakes in the Rhinelander Area are all open now. I was out on a limited basis this past weekend. I actually had to break some ice to get out on Saturday. The fishing was slow. The fish seemed to still be deep for the most part. We had lake temps from 38 on some lakes to mid 40 on some of the darker flowage lakes. I was on a different lake on Sunday and actually witness spawning taking place. The fish were splashing early in the morning up in less than a foot of water on a gravel point. we did get a couple bites but things are tough when they are spawning. I look forward to a much better weekend coming up. The fish should be shallower and depending on the lake could still be spawning. We have had air temps in the 70's to close to 80 this week.

Last weekend my daughter and I were able to get out and do some turkey hunting as well. We were able to get on birds and a couple really nice birds but were not able to close the deal. Sometimes they walk right in and sometimes there is nothing you can do to get them in gun range. We still had a great time as usual.