03-03-2013, 03:22 AM
Hello fellow flambeauers!
Im just doing a little early preparation for my TFF trip in May! Last year my group and I came down in June, but this year we will be in town from May 20-27. I have heard that it will be a little cool, with a lot of rain and wind. Not sure how much I like that, but as long as we catch a few fish all is well! Anyways, I have two quick questions that maybe you more experienced fellas could help me out with.
First off, with the dates that we are coming down, would you recommend getting minnows or worms? Or maybe both? Not sure how well we would be able to keep the minnows alive, but it might be worth a try.
Also, we are looking to camp down south towards Rat Lake, hoping that there wont be anyone else around. If you look closely on bing maps ( C4wJTdlcGcuMSZiYj01Ny4zMjA1MDMwODI0ODUlN2UtNTAuNzc 3ODYyNTQ4JTdlMjYuOTcwODk0NTE4OTc4OSU3ZS0xMzIuNTE2M TQzNzk4 ) you will see that there is a street labeled NF 128 that branches off a few times way down south and has a road run right up to the water. Is this a private residence (cant see any buildings in the birds view) or do you think its a landing? With my small boat, and a lot of gear, it is very difficult to move from point A to point B with a lot of wind and a lot of different things to hit just under the waters surface. Just curious to see if anyone has checked these roads out at any time? It'd be great if there was a hidden landing down there!
Thank you all,
Im just doing a little early preparation for my TFF trip in May! Last year my group and I came down in June, but this year we will be in town from May 20-27. I have heard that it will be a little cool, with a lot of rain and wind. Not sure how much I like that, but as long as we catch a few fish all is well! Anyways, I have two quick questions that maybe you more experienced fellas could help me out with.
First off, with the dates that we are coming down, would you recommend getting minnows or worms? Or maybe both? Not sure how well we would be able to keep the minnows alive, but it might be worth a try.
Also, we are looking to camp down south towards Rat Lake, hoping that there wont be anyone else around. If you look closely on bing maps ( C4wJTdlcGcuMSZiYj01Ny4zMjA1MDMwODI0ODUlN2UtNTAuNzc 3ODYyNTQ4JTdlMjYuOTcwODk0NTE4OTc4OSU3ZS0xMzIuNTE2M TQzNzk4 ) you will see that there is a street labeled NF 128 that branches off a few times way down south and has a road run right up to the water. Is this a private residence (cant see any buildings in the birds view) or do you think its a landing? With my small boat, and a lot of gear, it is very difficult to move from point A to point B with a lot of wind and a lot of different things to hit just under the waters surface. Just curious to see if anyone has checked these roads out at any time? It'd be great if there was a hidden landing down there!
Thank you all,