View Full Version : Over night parking

02-10-2013, 03:45 PM
Hey guys- I am planning on going camping at lake Kinkaid around the middle of March and was wondering if there would be any issues leaving my truck and trailer parked at the Johnson Creek launch for a few days? I don't want to get towed or vandalised. Has anyone ever done this? Should I contact a park ranger? Thanks


Chad Cain
02-10-2013, 04:04 PM
Myself and many friends have camped out there many times over the years, and I have not heard of any break ins. Doesn't mean it can't happen, but haven't had any issues. Maybe some one else can chime in too.

02-18-2013, 09:00 PM
Cool...I'm looking forward to it. How is the water level in the northern part of the lake?

03-19-2013, 02:06 PM
Thought I'd shoot a quick report out: I fished wed the 13th through sat the 16th with out so much as a sniff. I spent the first two days up north by Johnson creek and Hidden Neck and trolled rattle baits and casted rattle baits and gliders. Nada. So I went south to get in line with the other boats in the five fingers area. Nada. Weather was all over the place lows in the 20's at night, snow, rain, some wind, barely above freezing on thursday and into the 70's on friday...all made for a tough bite:( On the bright side the camping was great(no issues with over night parking) and I enjoyed the scenery and wildlife(racoons, otters, eagles, deer, heron, turtles, turkeys, ect.) I am sure that if the weather ever stabilizes the pre-spawn bite will be ON!

p.s. I never saw another boat up by johnson's creek (which is fine with me) but got me thinking: should I even be fishing up here? Do you guys have success for muskies in the early season at this end of the lake? Just wondering...


03-20-2013, 01:52 PM
It can be good up there at times. Sorry to hear that you were skunked, it happens to the best of us.