View Full Version : Jan 30th and 31st fishing report

Ty Sennett
02-01-2013, 11:28 AM
I took a couple buddies out the last two days fishing for crappies. We caught quite a few but for the most part they were tough. I think we caught about 100 or more on Wednesday and the same in a shorter time yesterday. we kept a few and threw back the rest. We tossed back some pretty big ones. We had a couple that were in the thirteen inch range and about a half dozen or more that were in the 12 inch range or better. The ones we kept were all under 11 inches. We caught a big variety of sizes. They were extremely finicky but the guys with me have done a lot of ice fishing so we managed to do well. Not a lot of aggressive movement on the graphs. I plan on doing more pike fishing next week to get them dialed in for some guide trips.