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View Full Version : 2013 Indy Boat Show and Stat eof the state Muskie Address?

01-29-2013, 05:04 PM
Are we hosting a booth this year I am interested! I was also wondering is Bill James will be giving us an update also, always love that!

Looks like Tippy is open today!

Buddy Ellenburg

Take a kid fishing they'll have a lifetime of memories!

02-12-2013, 04:47 PM
The state of the muskies address was a few weeks ago. It was another good year for the stocking effort. The board mentioned having a booth at that meeting but hasn't put up any information. It seems like if you aren't on the board or at the meeting you won't find anything out. There are no updates to the website, no newsletter, no emails. Seems like they want your dues, then nothing. No wonder membership is declining, there are few to no perks (or even on the water activities) for the average member any more.