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View Full Version : Check out the big kitty over by Treelands right now.

Ty Sennett
01-23-2013, 12:09 PM
Treeland resort has a big cat on their website from a neighbor. Not sure on the legistics of it but I guess we'll find out soon. Look at www.treelandresorts.com to see it. It's on the bottom right of the home page.

01-23-2013, 03:14 PM
A little long winter thought for you........... Who would win; the black bear or the mountain lion???? Better yet who would win; Ty Sennett or the black bear or the the mountain lion in a cage match?? Think about it.. Is it May yet?

Treeland resort has a big cat on their website from a neighbor. Not sure on the legistics of it but I guess we'll find out soon. Look at www.treelandresorts.com to see it. It's on the bottom right of the home page.

01-25-2013, 12:06 AM
Jeez louise ! Better keep an eye on Murph !

Treeland resort has a big cat on their website from a neighbor. Not sure on the legistics of it but I guess we'll find out soon. Look at www.treelandresorts.com to see it. It's on the bottom right of the home page.

Ty Sennett
01-25-2013, 12:20 PM
Andracke, I have a scratch proof singlet for just that reason. It's made of kevlar. I wear it in the spring while walking when the bears are out in full force. Now I have to wear it in the winter also. My neighbors might think it's wierd but it's for my protection and evens out the playing field.

I'm kidding of course,

01-25-2013, 04:28 PM
I have seen evidence of one at my mother in laws house a couple winters ago which is just on the edge of Hayward. I went out to my car in the late afternoon to grab something and there was a fresh layer of snow that had huge "cat" prints in it right next to the house. The eerie thing is that we had been sitting at the kitchen table the whole time and it had to of walked right up against the house under the big picture window literally feet from us without us seeing it. I know it was a cougars prints as well because there had been sightings of one in the area that summer and fall and my wife's grandma saw it in her back yard a week previously and a couple weeks after and my wife's grandma lives a hundred yards away. They have a big plantation in the back yard with scrub and it would lay in the scrub during the day and nap.

Also, we saw one a couple summers ago on the southeast area of The Flowage. Beautiful animals. Just hope people leave them alone.

I'm from Illinois and my brother in law has seen a few on his property the past couple years. He owns several hundred acres right on the Illinois river in Lasalle county. His friend works for the DNR and he told my brother in law that they released 250 throughout several counties in Illinois over a couple year period to help with the deer population. Just a week after he was told that my brother in law found a deer carcus 30 feet up in a fork in the tree on his property.

01-25-2013, 05:08 PM
All these cat sightings are very interesting. I've seen plenty of bobcat, coyote, wolf and bear out be me but never a mountain lion. I've got mixed emotions about it. While I'd love to see one I don't know how comfortable I'd be walking from the dock to the cabin in the dark if I knew they are regularly on my property.

01-25-2013, 05:58 PM
The way I look at it is there are a million things in this world that could happen to an individual before i would start worrying about a handful of mountain lions in our woods and forests. They are such beautiful animals and deserve every right to be here. Now don't get me wrong........they are dangerous like thousands of other animals and people have to be cautious but I think having a natural predator back in its original enviroment is pretty neat.

I just hope that people don't go all crazy about a handful of sightings and start a man hunt for them. There is no need for that. Like all nature, we need to respect it and just leave them alone and just be cautious when we are out.