View Full Version : November

Rob VanGorder
11-11-2012, 10:11 AM
Randy's been trying for a week to get our November newsletter out, but the MI site/mailing lists/lunge log/etc have been going through the website phase II transition. I cut and past the president message below because it has some info on our upcoming meeting this week:

Our November meeting is Tuesday the 13th, 7 PM at PJ’s in Sunbury. This is a very important meeting for a few reasons. In accordance with the Muskies, Inc. By-Laws for chapters, the November meeting best meets the description of our Annual Chapter Meeting which is a requirement. Each year we use this meeting to build a chapter calendar for the following year, so bring your ideas and recommendations as we will pencil in a 2013 schedule for our tourneys, outings and other great events. If time permits, we’ll share a brief report on the discussions held at the fall regional meeting of Muskies, Inc. Region 3 back on October 20th.

It also serves as our election day for chapter officers. This November has been pretty suspenseful for elections here in Ohio, but the chapter elections never seem quite as filled with gainful debate and spin. In fact, I’m not sure we’ve seen a good contest in a long time, but believe me that many of us would welcome any new interest someone might show in holding a chapter position. Our chapter is very strong because we have a number of people who are willing to give some of their time to make it strong. We can always use more. Consider stepping up to take on a role in a club position or on a committee.

And finally, we will hold an auction of some extremely well maintained and top notch fishing tackle, remembering Tom Householder who passed away this past August. Tom generously donated his tackle to the chapter to raise funds to support the good work of our club, and we will raise a glass to Tom, and conduct a spirited auction to fulfill that request.

I hope to see a good turnout next week!

Looking beyond the November meeting, our next and last event for 2012 is the chapter Christmas Party on Tuesday December 11th at Joe’s Original (US 23 and Lewis Center Rd). We’ll start at 7 PM, but arriving early is okay for some Christmas cheer. Plan to bring a wrapped muskie related gift for a fun exchange. I’m not sure if we will have the content to do a December newsletter this year, so keep an eye on our message board and Facebook site for any updates.

If you are not done fishing in 2012, be careful out there as the water temps are falling rapidly. I’m hope that I’m not ‘done’ yet, but I need good weather on three very specific days I can take off this November to pull out one more trip this season for my boat before I go into deer hunting mode. If you do get out for some late fall action, stick a pig!

See you at PJ’s and I’ll see you on the water,
