View Full Version : Weekend report

The Bait Shop Guy
11-05-2012, 06:29 AM
From what we heard, the shallow water night bite on the upper bay was pretty good. The areas around 1st and Center Reef were productive. Shallow Husky Jerks and Ripsticks were working good, in purples, blues, and clown. We haven't heard of a whole lot of big fish being caught, but lots of 20 to 25 inchers.

I got out for a couple hours Saturday afternoon on a couple of my bass spots near Escanaba. Took about an hour to find some fish, Lindy Rigging chubs. First fish of the trip was a 25 inch walleye. While I was unhooking it, my second rod starts dancing in the rod holder. Boated an 18 inch smallie on that one. Nice mixed double to start the trip. Wind started to pick up and it was a little harder to control my drift. Only landed one other fish after that, but it was a fat 20 1/4 inch smallmouth.

Talked with some guys at the ramp that were heading out as I was coming in. They had done EXTREMELY well on the upper bay, earlier in the week, but were trying the lower bay due to all the weekend boat traffic. They also thanked me for all the posting I do. I'm glad to do anything to help people catch more fish. I know there were a fair number of people up fishing this weekend, and that most of you caught fish. Everyone likes reading the reports, but few give back. Let's fix that - "How'd you do this weekend?"

11-10-2012, 03:41 AM
Sorry it took so long to reply - we were the guys you talked to at the ramp. Saturday night we caught 3 walleyes in our boat fishing deep cranks in the lower bay. The other boats that we were fishing with caught 3 and 7. We did do very well in the upper bay early in the week when there weren't many people fishing but as the weekend approached it got crowded and the fishing slowed down. We had some buddies that fished deep water on the upper bay that didn't catch big numbers, but caught some big fish over 10. Thanks again Chris for keeping us posted. We hope to make one more trip after Thanksgiving.