View Full Version : River Fishing and Fall Warmup

10-23-2012, 07:48 AM
Do you river guys tend to see more active fish with a week long warm up like we have coming this week, or does it appear to throw fish off? I'm hopin to fish some "moving" water this weekend and was just curious to see what this kind of weather pattern might throw our way. Thanks.


Red Childress
10-24-2012, 06:28 AM
I hate to say I am wishing for winter to arrive but I am for no other reason except to get all this "extra" food hunkering down and headed to their winter hangouts. With the falling water temps the past 6 weeks, I definitely noticed the bite picking up for toothy critters.

So to answer your question, Jay................I would rather not see it warm up (around here) this week at all. It may be different for the flowage you are going to fish, however.

Good Luck!

10-24-2012, 08:11 AM
Thanks Red. Guess we'll just get out there, whip the water into a froth and see where we end up. I'm just psyched to try some new waters.

10-24-2012, 10:32 PM
Jay, I looked at the forecast for the week today and was wondering the same thing. Unfortunately I don't have the luxury of picking the best days to fish so the decision is easy... fish whenever possible! Lol.

10-28-2012, 10:29 AM
LOL Its the same way for me in terms of time. I'm just gettin low on vacation time and knew I had to burn a couple of days since the warm weather was during the week. We moved a couple of really nice fish but couldnt get em to eat. I did however land an upper 20's fish. The great thing about that fish was that it was my first one that I've actually landed on a topwater fly. The thing crushed the fly about 10ft from the boat and put up one hell of a fight for a smaller fish. I've missed A LOT of fish on surface flies over the last couple of seasons. I hope this means that I might finally be turning the corner on actually hookin a couple here and there.