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View Full Version : October 11th fishing report

Ty Sennett
10-12-2012, 07:13 AM
I had John Rashke out yesterday. We fished a straight 8 hour day. It wasn't as windy as it's been but at times it kicked up pretty good. We managed a 45 1/2 incher on a Bulldawg and had a stocking sized one come up and eat a Bulldawg next to the boat. I didn't set the hook on that one. It would have ended up on the other side of the boat if I did. We had one other follow a sucker for a little bit but couldn't tell how big it was because it was down just far enough to see but not to get a great look at.

No fishing today. Back at it tomorrow.

Water temps were between 45 and 49 degrees yesterday.

10-12-2012, 07:47 AM

Just wondering if you have any half day trips available the 24th, 25th, or 26th? Let me know.


Ty Sennett
10-12-2012, 11:21 AM
I don't have anything left this year unless the last two weeks of November get warm. If you want to do a last minute run in late November let me know.

10-12-2012, 03:31 PM
Maybe the friday before gun season if its nice.

10-12-2012, 08:34 PM
So, Ty. Do you think "turnover" is complete and that things have sorta' stabilized and some sort of pattern has been established ? Looks like it's a sucker's and bulldawg gig now, judging from your reports.

I have to come up and get my boat from Wayne. So, I'd hope to fish for a couple of days as long as I don't freeze my elbows off. (Seems like I don't mind freezing my elbows off if I'm hunting, but I shy away from freezing when I'm fishing open water. Ice fishiing is fine. Go figure. It's weird that way.)

I hate throwing a bulldawg, you know that. So, it'd be a jerkbait (as in Suick) deal for me unless I'm absolutely wasting my time with wood. Do I even bother throwing a hair bait ? Whatcha' think ?

Also, if I can't catch a Muskie, have you heard if the crappie are doing any good ? It'd be good to catch at least something. hahaha

I'm all eyes and ears here.


Ty Sennett
10-15-2012, 07:03 AM
The crappie have been good in Moore's Bay. Give me a call tonight and I'll give you a couple other small spots that are close to where you might be fishing muskies.

Gliders and Suicks will work. You don't have to just throw Bulldawgs. Some of my clients can't physically throw them and we try crankbaits and jerkbaits on those days.